
  Green sea turtles(海龟) are the world’ s largest species of hard-shelled sea turtle. While most individuals weigh about 136 to 181 kilograms, some can be (56)_____ heavy as 204 kilograms. These turtles are found nesting(筑巢) along the coastline of more

  Green sea turtles(海龟) are the world’ s largest species of hard-shelled sea turtle. While most individuals weigh about 136 to 181 kilograms, some can be (56)\_\_\_\__ heavy as 204 kilograms. These tu

某地乡村公路边有很多柿子园,金秋时节农民采摘柿子时,最后总要在树上留一些熟透的柿子。果农们说,这是留给喜鹊的食物。每到冬天,喜鹊都在果树上筑巢过冬,到春天也不飞走,整天忙着捕捉果树上的虫子,从而保证了来年柿子的丰收。从这个事例中我们受到的启示是(  )。

某地乡村公路边有很多柿子园,金秋时节农民采摘柿子时,最后总要在树上留一些熟透的柿子。果农们说,这是留给喜鹊的食物。每到冬天,喜鹊都在果树上筑巢过冬,到春天也不飞走,整天忙着捕捉果树上的虫子,从而保证了来年柿子的丰收。从这个事例中我们受到的启示是(  )。