寺院菜大多就地取材,烹饪简单,品种不繁,但质量求精。( )的素菜享有盛名。 寺院菜大多就地取材,烹饪简单,品种不繁,但质量求精。( )的素菜享有盛名。 贰号仓库 2022年06月18日 0 点赞 0 评论 7558 浏览
Beijing, as the capital of _____ People’s Republic of China,enjoys _____ diverse range of people and cultures. Beijing, as the capital of \_\_\_\__ People’s Republic of China,enjoys \_\_\_\__ diverse range of people and cultures. 贰号仓库 2022年06月18日 0 点赞 0 评论 5948 浏览
Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places. Many people are still in \_\_\_\__ habit of writing silly things in \_\_\_\__ public places. 贰号仓库 2022年06月18日 0 点赞 0 评论 1763 浏览