
Microsoft Project 2002标准教程.pdf


项目管理与Microsoft Project 2002.pdf


MS Project项目管理与应用 | 2版.pdf

本书内容包括:项目和项目管理概述,现代项目管理与MS Project,创建项目计划基础,项目资源分配与管理,项目进度管理,项目的成本管理,项目信息预览与打印,项目执行和控制,项目的动态跟踪,MS Project协调管理,软件开发项目实例。

Passage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:  If the Dakota Access Pipeline(输油管道) is completed, it will carry nearly half a million barrels of oil across four states every day. Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), a Texas-based company behin

Passage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:  If the Dakota Access Pipeline(输油管道) is completed, it will carry nearly half a million barrels of oil across four states every day. Ener