We are facing an era of knowledge economy and digital word. The emergence of Internet has brought a new scenario of ecology in project management, and its theorem, methodologies ,procedures and tools are subjected to subversive changes. So a monograph of project management (PM) under Internet era has urgently need of renewing concepts in our project management
community. This book presents the basic concepts and methods of project management on the virtual platform through Internet, which is widely used in real world project management community based on knowledge economy; meanwhile, it is different from former industry economy with solid assets as
its resources and runs the project on a real physical manner. Beside the traditional PM,this book presents how shall we accommodate to conventional PM principles and also accommodate to Internet environment. It also discusses program management and portfolio management under Internet as well
as the challenges of project management in the future. This book is a response caused by the PM challenges facing to us for satisfying our countermeasures
“Talent! Innovation! Strategy!" to the challenges. From long -tern strategic view point, we also need to cultivate our talent accommodating to the digital era and on the“Internet + AI ”platform. This is why the renewable project management textbook under Internet era and knowledge economy is initiated, which can be used for the graduate and undergraduate textbook in related major; also as the reference book for PM practitioners.
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