
Passage 1  After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a (1)_____ for words? How can she (2)_____ the names of a couple they met on (3)_____ years ago? Now we know (4)_____ to tel

Passage 1  After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a (1)\_\_\_\__ for words? How can she (2)\_\_\_\__ the names of a couple they met on

升职计・新媒体商业IP训练营:轻松写作模块 零基础写作小白 系统学习写作

课程来自升职计的新媒体商业IP训练营,价值1299元。课程适合:零基础写作小白、想系统学习写作者、基础不扎实的写作者、想提升课程涵盖文体的写作者,特训营重点训练两种,一种是百字短文,一种是2000字长文帮大家一手打通所有内容行业。 课程目录: 第01讲爆款已死,重回社交媒体本质.mp4 第02讲刻意练习:怎么让自己一直写下去?.mp4 第03讲选题:怎么在创作前就知道写什么会火?.mp4 第04讲