北京时间2016年6月24日,( )就是否留在欧盟举行全民公投,投票结果显示支持“脱欧”的票数以微弱优势战胜“留欧”票数,英国将不再属于欧盟成员国。
北京时间2016年6月24日,( )就是否留在欧盟举行全民公投,投票结果显示支持“脱欧”的票数以微弱优势战胜“留欧”票数,英国将不再属于欧盟成员国。
The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.
The building suffered \_\_\_\__ damage as a result of the big fire.
The city suffered the worst US air _____ since l979.
The city suffered the worst US air \_\_\_\__ since l979.
Why did the country mentioned in the passage suffer from floods and starvation?
Why did the country mentioned in the passage suffer from floods and starvation?
( )大战之后,孙权、刘备、曹操三家瓜分了荆州,形成了三国鼎力的雏形。
( )大战之后,孙权、刘备、曹操三家瓜分了荆州,形成了三国鼎力的雏形。