网络通信技术 : [英文版] | Network Communications Technology影印版.pdf
云计算技术发展报告 : 2012 | Cloud computing technology development report2版.pdf
百吨级铸钢件铸造技术=Casting Technology of Hundred–ton Steel Casting.pdf
《百吨级铸钢件铸造技术=Casting Technology of Hundred–ton Steel Casting》总结了百吨级铸钢件(100~600t)的钢液熔炼设备及工艺、铸造工艺设计、计算机凝固模拟技术、夹杂物形态控制、特种冒口覆盖剂、磁粉及超声波检测等方面的关键技术及
Progress in Science and Technology of the Rare Earths 稀土科学与技术进展.pdf
Since the new technology was introduced last month, we _____ in speeding up production.
Since the new technology was introduced last month, we \_\_\_\__ in speeding up production.
The best way to _____ this goal is to introduce new advanced technology.
The best way to \_\_\_\__ this goal is to introduce new advanced technology.
Science & technology in China: a roadmap to 2050 : strategic general report of the Chinese academy of science.pdf
本报告面向2050年中国实现现代化的宏伟愿景, 从历史和未来走向的视角, 分析了科技发展的演进和规律, 阐释了科技对现代化建设的决定性作用, 做出当今世界正处在科技创新突破和新科技革命前夜的战略判断, 提出中国必须为新科技革命的到来做好准备。