
图解3D Studio范例教程.pdf

本书通过范例来介绍用3D Studio制作三维造型和动画的方法和技巧。全书共七章,每章分别讲解一个完整范例的制作过程,在详尽的步骤和图解中融入操作方法和技巧的介绍。本书的配套光盘(另售)包含全部有关的造型、材质库及动画实例,可供学习时参考及引用。 本书对3D St

3D Studio VIZ R3培训教程.pdf


3D Studio VIZ/MAX. 建筑景观篇.pdf


Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:  People say that money cannot buy happiness. This was true for Howard Hughes. (76) He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his time. He had everything: good look, success, power, and

Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:  People say that money cannot buy happiness. This was true for Howard Hughes. (76) He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his

计算机立体美术设计与案例3D Studio MAX.pdf

本书以3DS MAX 8软件应用为背景,由浅入深、循序渐进地组织教材内容,结构合理、通俗易懂,对学生可能遇到的难点做了清楚、详细的阐述,并且在每章开头指出学习目标,每章结尾附有习题。