
Passage 1  What do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must include the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis, a person must have a reliable income. But we have othe

Passage 1  What do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must include the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis,

Passage 1  Liberal(通识的) education is becoming the task of teachers. It is (1)_____ not only to teach and learn knowledge, but also to develop a person’s (2)_____. Its (3)_____ is to teach each student to think for himself and make (4)_____

Passage 1  Liberal(通识的) education is becoming the task of teachers. It is (1)\_\_\_\__ not only to teach and learn knowledge, but also to develop a person’s (2)\_\_\_\__. Its (3)\_\_\_\__ is to teach

  The American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a high material standard of living. It is not surprising, (56)_____, that Americans have valued education for its monetary value. The belief is widespread in the United States

  The American definition of success is largely one of acquiring wealth and a high material standard of living. It is not surprising, (56)\_\_\_\__, that Americans have valued education for its moneta

坚守与超越 : 高校英语专业本科教育演进的文化审视 : cultural examination on the development of undergraduate education of English major.pdf


迈向教育高度发达的社会 : 国际比较视野下的高等教育体系 : higher Education system in comparative perspective.pdf


在通往语言途中的教育 : 语言论教育论纲 : an outline of language on education.pdf
