实践作为检验真理的标准,之所以具有相对性、不确定性,主要是因为一定历史条件下的具体实践都具有( )。
实践作为检验真理的标准,之所以具有相对性、不确定性,主要是因为一定历史条件下的具体实践都具有( )。
某溶液中含Fe2+、Al3+、Ag+、Cu2+,为了分别得到各含一种金属阳离子的沉淀物,可采取:①通入H2S气体、②通入CO2气体、③加入盐酸、④加入NaOH溶液四个步骤,每次通入或加入试剂均过量,且每次都把沉淀物滤出,其操作的正确顺序是( ).
某溶液中含Fe2+、Al3+、Ag+、Cu2+,为了分别得到各含一种金属阳离子的沉淀物,可采取:①通入H2S气体、②通入CO2气体、③加入盐酸、④加入NaOH溶液四个步骤,每次通入或加入试剂均过量,且每次都把沉淀物滤出,其操作的正确顺序是( ).
只用一种试剂就可鉴别出硫酸铵、硫酸铝、硫酸钾和硫酸镁四种溶液,该试剂是( ).
只用一种试剂就可鉴别出硫酸铵、硫酸铝、硫酸钾和硫酸镁四种溶液,该试剂是( ).
为了防止空气被污染,下列各组中的物质不能同时倒入废液缸内的是( ).①盐酸和硫化铜;②稀硫酸和硫化亚铁;③硫酸钠和硝酸钡溶液;④亚硫酸钠和硫酸氢钠溶液;⑤硫酸钠和石灰水;⑥碘化钾和稀硝酸.
为了防止空气被污染,下列各组中的物质不能同时倒入废液缸内的是( ).①盐酸和硫化铜;②稀硫酸和硫化亚铁;③硫酸钠和硝酸钡溶液;④亚硫酸钠和硫酸氢钠溶液;⑤硫酸钠和石灰水;⑥碘化钾和稀硝酸.
All relationships go through power straggles but, he says, if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in.
All relationships go through power straggles but, he says, if a love imbalance continues for years, the rot will set in.
Practice 6 Then came the First World War and the Second World War. (1) After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and
Practice 6 Then came the First World War and the Second World War. (1) After each war, new ideas, new attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of s