
通货膨胀,不仅会直接导致工资、储蓄和养老保险等百姓资产缩水,使低收入者的生活更为窘迫,而且会误导资源配置、扰乱经济秩序,严重时还会诱发经济泡沫和社会动荡。下列关于通货膨胀原因的推测不正确的是(  )。

通货膨胀,不仅会直接导致工资、储蓄和养老保险等百姓资产缩水,使低收入者的生活更为窘迫,而且会误导资源配置、扰乱经济秩序,严重时还会诱发经济泡沫和社会动荡。下列关于通货膨胀原因的推测不正确的是(  )。

Practice 7  (1) Today’s wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than a happiness to their children. (2) So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their families are as rich in love as they are in money.

Practice 7  (1) Today’s wealthy parents perhaps realize their riches can be more of a heavy load than a happiness to their children. (2) So the first thing for them to consider is to ensure that their