The harder he worked, the most troubles he had in his early days as a scientist.
The harder he worked, the most troubles he had in his early days as a scientist.
Henry is not used to live in a noisy and crowded community though he grew up in New York.
Henry is not used to live in a noisy and crowded community though he grew up in New York.
In the morning I got on the train, which arrived Shanghai at night.
In the morning I got on the train, which arrived Shanghai at night.
Dr. Bell gave some lectures, visited the Great Wall and going shopping downtown in Beijing.
Dr. Bell gave some lectures, visited the Great Wall and going shopping downtown in Beijing.
The mountain was really very high, but I tried hardly to climb it.
The mountain was really very high, but I tried hardly to climb it.
She speaks English _____ than her brother does.
She speaks English \_\_\_\__ than her brother does.
患者,男,50岁。咳喘20余年,现咳嗽痰少,口燥咽干,形体消瘦,腰膝酸软,颧红盗汗,舌红少苔,脉细数。其病机是( )。
患者,男,50岁。咳喘20余年,现咳嗽痰少,口燥咽干,形体消瘦,腰膝酸软,颧红盗汗,舌红少苔,脉细数。其病机是( )。
患者平素性急易怒,时有胁胀,近日胁胀加重,伴食欲不振,食后腹胀,便溏,舌苔薄白,脉弦。其证候是( )。
患者平素性急易怒,时有胁胀,近日胁胀加重,伴食欲不振,食后腹胀,便溏,舌苔薄白,脉弦。其证候是( )。
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