阿联酋发明“人造雨”技术,人工制造出大量负离子,自动依附尘埃,在太阳光产生的强热上升气流作用下,携带含有负离子的尘埃粒子上升到了云层,吸收空气中的水分子,凝结成水滴,无数的水滴最终会变成云,进而化作雨滴落到地面。这一发明表明( )。
阿联酋发明“人造雨”技术,人工制造出大量负离子,自动依附尘埃,在太阳光产生的强热上升气流作用下,携带含有负离子的尘埃粒子上升到了云层,吸收空气中的水分子,凝结成水滴,无数的水滴最终会变成云,进而化作雨滴落到地面。这一发明表明( )。
The kids were especially _____ the coming Christmas because they would get lots of presents from their parents and uncles.
The kids were especially \_\_\_\__ the coming Christmas because they would get lots of presents from their parents and uncles.
Large quantities of water _____ needed for cooling purposes.
Large quantities of water \_\_\_\__ needed for cooling purposes.
From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that _____.
From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that \_\_\_\__.
2012年以来,“瘦肉精”“地沟油”等食品安全恶性事件不断发生,食品安全防线的失守告诉我们:光是整治企业,问题并不能得到根本解决,在监管方面,还有大量的难题需要解决。这表明( )。
2012年以来,“瘦肉精”“地沟油”等食品安全恶性事件不断发生,食品安全防线的失守告诉我们:光是整治企业,问题并不能得到根本解决,在监管方面,还有大量的难题需要解决。这表明( )。