把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是 ①从汉字笔画的统计分布规律来看,这种做法是值得商榷的。 ②不少人认为简化汉字的理想目标是把十画以上的字简化到十画或不足十画。 ③为了增强区别性,对那些笔画较多的非常用字还是不去简化为好。 ④文字的应用首先要保证看和读的方便,要有相当的清晰性和区别性。 ⑤但把笔画全部减到十画或不足十画,势必增加大量的形近字,给看和读带来困难。 ⑥其次才是笔画简单,写起来省事
把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是 ①从汉字笔画的统计分布规律来看,这种做法是值得商榷的。 ②不少人认为简化汉字的理想目标是把十画以上的字简化到十画或不足十画。 ③为了增强区别性,对那些笔画较多的非常用字还是不去简化为好。 ④文字的应用首先要保证看和读的方便,要有相当的清晰性和区别性。 ⑤但把笔画全部减到十画或不足十画,势必增加大量的形近字,给看和读带来困难。
The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who are from the countryside in our school.
The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who are from the countryside in our school.
They can read such stories what have been rewritten in simple English.
They can read such stories what have been rewritten in simple English.
The reason I didn’t attend the lecture was simply because I caught a bad cold that day.
The reason I didn’t attend the lecture was simply because I caught a bad cold that day.